Newsletter June and July 2021
We know that the situation remains uncertain, and that it's unclear how much freedom we will have this summer, but we hope you are planning to enjoy the sunshine.
We expect that most of the Site's activities will take a pause in August, but we will be continuing to provide our free groups and webinars into the Autumn, and we'll send you more information nearer the time.
Annie Pesskin's Psychoanalytic Reading Group: Wednesday 30th June at 7.30pm
Annie will be interviewing Jeremy Holmes about his recent book.
The BCA Summer Conference: Saturday 19th June - 9.30am - 3.00pm
A Psychoanalytic perspective on climate change: The elephant inside and outside the consulting room - A presentation and session with Sally Weintrobe and Paul Hoggett.
Go here to download a flyer.
Follow these links for more information about all that’s going on in our Community.
- Free groups on the Site.
- APPCIOS webinars. Join APPCIOS to attend these CPD series!
You may have noticed that the Site has been updated, and a new functionality has been added. The Search function has been improved and there is a brand new Library (both of these can be accessed from the main menu at the top)
The Library is now public, but content is under the charge of the Librarians, Mandy Little and Andrew Briggs. They also run the Library Helpdesk, - which used to be called Authors in Process. You can contact the Librarians, and the Helpdesk via the links on the Library page.
CPD RETURNS for Full Members
Full members can expect to receive an email in the next week or two, explaining how to complete a CPD return through our Community Learning Site. It has been designed to be a simple and straightforward process. Please could you complete and return by mid July.
OUR 'MEMORY JAR' – your experience of using the site
To all that have taken part in the APPCIOS community during these last 18 months,
We thought it would be valuable to capture some of our unique experiences through this time, as a means of remembering being a part of the APPCIOS community. Our hope is to create a form of "memory jar", that we can look back on personally and together in times to come.
As such, we would like to put forward to anyone that has participated in using the site - be that to greater or lesser extents - that they share their experience with us, through a few words, a few sentences, a poem, a drawing, or even a brief video recording of themselves describing their experience. Our hope is to create something simple that articulates or expresses some of our varied experiences that we may then keep as a record. With the content that is shared with us, we will create a video montage that will be shared on the site for only users of the site to see.
Some things to hold in mind:
- In the interests of keeping the video a reasonable lenghth, we would ask that the sentences be brief and videos limited to maxium one minute.
- If you are speaking in relation to a particular special interest group, then please share that with us.
- We would ask that you share any contributions by the end of June 2021. Contact us here
If this has reached your inbox, it’s likely that you’re already a member of our Psychodynamic Community. If not - do set up a free account here.
If you'd like to contribute any items of interest to this Newsletter, get in touch with us here.
And if you haven’t done so already, do consider joining APPCIOS too: it’s easy, doesn’t cost much, and brings many benefits. Go here to find out more.