Senior clinicians within APPCIOS


Authored on :
18/08/2019by :

Containing Groups

How we started and what we do . . .

APPCIOS was established by a group of senior clinicians, eager to support talented frontline workers to find low-fee supervision, therapy and training.  Over the seven years since we registered as a Member Institution of the British Psychoanalytic Council we have built up a membership of over 120 people, many of them low-paid staff struggling with high levels of disturbance amongst their client groups, and hungry for psychoanalytic insight and support.   Most of them live in areas of the UK where traditional psychoanalysis has never penetrated.  

We have been able to guide them towards a variety of low-cost CPD components - webinars, brief courses, supervision, therapeutic supervision and therapy - all acessible via the internet.  

This was made possible through the commitment and generosity of other members - our senior full members - who joined APPCIOS in order to set up and provide such components.  Others have joined in order to gain accreditation for trainings they already run, or for consultations that could be adapted into CPD components.  

We cannot overstate how rewarding this has been for everyone involved.  But as our membership grows, we need more senior members, willing to provide CPD components.  

We know that many senior clinicians will blench at the idea of working online.  In the early days we did too.  Several years' experience has shown us that the benefits of connecting with people who live far from the main conurbations, and giving them the opportunity to meet one another,  far outweigh the challenges.   

We know that online work can feel second best, but we have gathered experience along the way, and we can offer you our support to make the very best of it.   

Please contact us if you'd like to know more.   Just send an email to  We look forward to hearing from you.