We are planning new live groups and webinars, all hosted in private Zoom spaces through our Community Site. Many of them are free, and will welcome new members.
You don’t need to be a member of APPCIOS to join these groups - you just need to join our community of Psychodynamic Thinkers.
Read on, or press this link to see what’s available.
Join one of our regular free groups!
• Our Weekend Psychosymposium
We hold a Psychodynamic Symposium every weekend where members of this Site can meet for live discussions.
This is an open group, and you won’t need to commit to regular attendance. We alternate meetings between Saturdays and Sundays, from 4.00 to 5.30pm.
Go here to find out more, and send us an email to let us know if you want to attend. We’ll give you a membership that allows you to join whenever you’re free.
• Understanding Race from a Psychodynamic Perspective
Trudy Darien and Devika Dhar are starting a new series of six discussion groups.
Everyone is welcome. You can find out more here - or go here to join the group.
They will also be meeting with participants of their first series, to continue their discussions. And - to coincide with Black History month, they are launching a formal webinar on the Psychoanalytic Understanding of Race.
• Focus on Zoom
This group meets on alternate Thursdays at 5.30pm to explore the transition to screen communication and its impact, both socially and professionally.
Go here to find out more, and if you would like to join, send us an email here.
• Film Discussion Group
This group meets once a month on a Wednesday. To join or to find out more just send an email. Bring your own popcorn!
• Fathers in Lockdown
Andrew Briggs is particularly interested in thinking about the position of fathers during this difficult time. He is holding regular discussion meetings on this topic. Meetings are held on alternate Tuesday evenings at 7.30pm. If you would like to participate, please email us here.
• Podcasts and Videos
We have been meeting to learn how to enliven our Site and its many groups with a selection of videos and podcasts and we’d love you to join us. If you would like to find out more, just send us an email here.
Join a new group that’s just getting started!
• Working in schools
This group offers a supportive space for anyone working in schools and educational settings - or who has an interest in sharing thoughts, feelings and experiences about schooling in lockdown, and about the Autumn return. The group meets on Tuesdays.
If you want to know more just email us here.
• Social work and social care
Phil Faulkner and Andy Davies are creating a forum for professionals working in social work and social care. The group is free to join and meets once a month to share and discuss experiences, reflections, literature and learning - they focus on what is most important and preoccupying for members. If you would be interested in joining, send them an email here.
• Thinking internationally
Harriet Calvert and Katrina Horrox are planning a space to think about how the Pandemic is experienced in different countries and cultures. If you’re interested in joining them, send them an email here.
• Encouraging new authors
So many of you have years of in-depth experience and a wealth of interesting ideas: we want you to write them down so that we can publish them on the Site. We’ll be hosting a live group every month where you can post draft papers and articles, and get the help of experienced editors and the comments and suggestions of friendly colleagues. Go here for more details.
And do consider becoming a member of APPCIOS.
It’s easy and doesn’t cost much.
Go here to find out more.
And as ever . . .
• If you’re having difficulties accessing the Site, take a look at our instructions here. And if you would like a personal guided tour, we can arrange that, too. Just email us here.
• And please keep posting comments (it’s really not hard to do) and join our ongoing conversations.
If you want to make suggestions, offer your support or ask us a question, you can always reach us at admin@appcios.info
Membership of the Site is free, but it does cost money to maintain it. So if you’d like to make a donation, please do: just go here.
And please keep safe!
We look forward to seeing you.
With all our best wishes,