Newsletter Autumn 2021

Autumn 2021 Newsletter

We do hope you’re rested and settling back after the summer. 

We think that the most valuable thing about our Community is the group experiences that we offer.

Our free groups and webinars are now reconvening, and we update information on the Site week by week. 

This edition focuses on our Special Interest Groups and Webinars. Plus, a message about your CPD returns! 

Special Interest Groups are for all members of the Site, and each one provides a unique collaborative thinking and learning space where participants can join together in a confidential environment to share their experiences.   They’re all free.

We have –

*Psychosymposium Open discussion group with Jenny Sprince/Judith Trowel next on 10 October at 5.30 pm

*Psychoanalytic Reading Group with Annie Peskin next on 22 Sept at 7.30 pm

*Film Discussion Group with Susan Maciver and Richard Pratt last Wednesday of the month at 7.30

*Social Work and Social Care with Phil Faulkner First Thursday of the month at 6.00 pm

*Reflective Practice Group with Tony Burch on alternate Thursdays at 6.00 pm next 30 September

*Experience of Ageing Group with Carolyn Adair and Esther Ramsay-Jones alternate Thursdays at 6.00, next 23 Sept

*Video and Podcast Group with Katarina Horrox usually monthly on a Monday at 9.00 am. Next 20 Sept

*Working in Schools Group with Anne-Marie Wright. This is now closed but please contact if interested

Webinars are for APPCIOS members only.  They are valuable CPD components, and will help your progression as an APPCIOS member.

This autumn we have - 

*Citizenship 2 –  Connections and Disconnections In Modern Western Societies

The second in a series of webinars on Citizenship with Andrew Briggs

*Counter-Transference, Projective Identification and the Destructive Superego with Paul Terry

*Key Psychoanalytic Works – a Reading Webinarwith Fiona Henderson

*Living with a neurological illness – for people who have one and people who don’t. With Julia Segal

*Senior Associate Members' Reading Groups –Deepening Psychodynamic Understanding and Practice with Jan McHugh

*Understanding Race from a Psychodynamic Perspective with Trudy Darien and Devika Dhar. Previously a SIG, this is now proposed as a webinar

How to find latest information on groups 

Once you’ve logged in,  you’ll see on your home page two new oblong orange buttons called ‘Webinars’ and ‘Discussion Groups’.  These will take you to the current selection of available webinars and special interest groups. 

You’ll also see another new oblong orange button that will take you to groups run by our affiliate organisations.  Just keep pressing the buttons!

You can also search for these groups from the ‘Main Search’ menu bar on every page.


CPD Returns

We are gratified by the numbers of you who have found your way through our on-line system and submitted your CPD Return. You will have received notification of your return having been approved along with some brief comments from your Approver

For those who have not managed it we have extended the deadline until the end of September. If you have not received an email from your CPD Approver please let Anne-Marie Wright know through the Appcios address <

This process has uncovered some members who have not updated their Appcios registration email. Perhaps worth a check if you haven't received anything CPD related. 


Many thanks for reading this, and please feel free to join one of our groups! Team Appcios