Living with a neurological illness – for people who have one and people who don’t

Led by Julia Segal. Please note this webinar is not currently running

Group Administrators

Julia Segal
Susan Maciver
Tony Burch

Group Info

  • 10 weekly sessions.
  • This is a ten week online course for people who have conditions which affect their neurological systems, such as MS or Long Covid.  It is also for members of their families, friends and professionals involved with them.
  • Neurological illnesses pose particular problems for those who have them and for those who live with or know them.  Changes to the nervous system affect perception: not just vision, but also feelings, emotions, judgement and empathy.  Mirror neurons are involved when we understand each other on an emotional level: neurological conditions can distort the mirror.  ‘Putting ourselves in others shoes’ always involves a bit of guessing; a neurological condition challenges our capacity to work out what someone else thinks, feels and understands.  Many neurological symptoms are invisible and challenge other people’s belief.   They come and go in mysterious ways.
  • Long Covid may include neurological damage; it too affects mutual understanding and threatens beliefs.
  • In this course we will explore some of the issues around understanding each other when one person has a neurological illness and the other does not – or has their own, necessarily different, condition.
  • The initial 5 sessions will begin with a talk by Julia Segal,  based on her work as a counsellor for people with Multiple Sclerosis and other neurological conditions since 1983.  Time for discussion will be included.  Later sessions will be tailored to participants’ particular interests.


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