So to recuperate, we are taking a break from live groups, and we’ll be using August to improve the Site. Our team of techies now includes Vijay, who will be working alongside Mark and Heathcliffe to make it more attractive and easier to use - so expect some changes over the next weeks and months.
We continue to collect and post papers and articles for you to read. We welcome your help. If you would like to contribute your own writing, or any other relevant material, please send it to us at
Our ongoing live groups will be back in September. And there are new groups starting up, too.
All our live groups are hosted in private spaces via Zoom, and most of them are free. We welcome new members.
Returning in September: regular groups with open membership.
We hold a Psychodynamic Symposium every weekend where members of this Site can meet for live discussions around papers, articles, books, films and poems. Or just to talk.
This is an open group, and you won’t need to commit to regular attendance. We alternate meetings between Saturdays and Sundays.
Go here to find out more, add your name, and join our next meeting on Sunday September 6th at 4.00pm.
- Understanding Race from a Psychodynamic Perspective
Trudy Darien and Devika Dhar will be continuing to meet with members of this group, and will also be starting a second series of six discussion groups in September. You can find out more here. Everyone is welcome.
This group meets on alternate Thursdays at 5.30pm to explore the transition to screen communication and its impact, both socially and professionally. The next meeting will be on Thursday 3rd September. Go here to see more. If you would like to join, send us an email here.
This group meets once a month on a Wednesday. To join or to find out more just send an email. Bring your own popcorn!
Andrew Briggs is particularly interested in thinking about the position of fathers during this difficult time. He is holding regular discussion meetingson this topic. The next meeting is on Tuesday September 1st at 7.30pm. If you would like to participate, please email us here.
We have been meeting to learn how to enliven our Site and its many groups with a selection of videos and podcasts and we’d love you to join us. If you would like to find out more, just send us an email here.
September: new groups just starting
This group will offer a supportive space for anyone working in schools and educational settings - or who has an interest in thinking with us. We hope to share feelings and experiences about working in lockdown and about the planned September transitional return. We will be meeting on Tuesday 8th September 6pm-7pm, and then on Tuesday 22nd September and Tuesday 6th October. If you want to know more just email us here.
- Social work and social care
Phil Faulkner and Andy Davies are interested in creating a forum for professionals working in social work and social care. The group is free to join and will meet once a month on Zoom from September, to share and discuss experiences, reflections, literature and learning. They would like to start with an open agenda that focuses on what is most important and preoccupying for members, and for the conversation to evolve from there. If you would be interested in joining, send them an email here.
September: APPCIOS webinars
Fiona Henderson and Jan McHugh will be running a series of reading groups on psycho-analytic theory. You can find out more here.
- APPCIOS Work Discussion Group
Susan Maciver will be starting a new series of 10 Work Discussion Groups from 7.30 to 8.45 pm starting on 17th September. Find out more here.
- APPCIOS Course: Thinking about Race
Trudy and Devika are planning a new webinar for APPCIOS members on the psychoanalytic understanding of race. Please contact us here to find out more.
- APPCIOS Course: Therapeutic Supervision
We hope to start a new series of webinars on Therapeutic Supervision in the Autumn. To learn more about this topic, go here. If you would be interested, please send us an email here.
You can find out more about all our events here.
And as ever . . .
- If you’re having difficulties accessing the Site, take a look at our instructions here. And if you would like a personal guided tour, we can arrange that, too. Just email us here.
- And please keep posting comments (it’s really not hard to do) and join our ongoing conversations. Your can find them here (Community Bulletin Board) and here (Feedback on the Site) and in many other places, private and public, around the Site. Just keep exploring!
If you want to make suggestions, offer your support or ask us a question, you can always reach us at
Membership of the Site is free, but it does cost money to maintain it. So if you’d like to make a donation, please do: just go here.
And please keep safe!
We look forward to seeing you.
With all our best wishes,